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Welcome to Professor Thielman's COM 1010 class. This game will give you an opportunity to learn a little bit about what the class will be like, and how to succeed. Let's begin by making sure that you understand how to navigate this game.
You will be asked to make decisions and click on links to see the results of those decisions. Here's a practice run. You have two options. Feel free to choose either one:
** [[Option 1]]
** [[Option 2->Option 1]]
(text-style:"italic")[Image credit: Welcome by Bob Duran is licensed Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)]Congratulations, you have made a decision!
Now let's [[get started]].Contrary to popular belief, COM 1010 is a communication course, not a public speaking course. Nonetheless, you are going to be doing a lot of speaking in public (or at least in the classroom) for this course. How do you feel about that?
** [[I feel very comfortable speaking in front of people.]]
** [[I feel pretty comfortable speaking in front of people.->I feel very comfortable speaking in front of people.]]
** [[I get nervous speaking in front of people.]]
** [[Speaking in front of people is just about the worst thing I can think of.->I get nervous speaking in front of people.]]
Image credit: (text-style:"italic")["Rhetoric" by Pieter Isaacsz is in the Public domain and was accessed via Wikimedia Commons]That's great! I'm glad that you're coming into the class with positive feelings about speaking in front of others. A lot of people don't. In fact, according to //Psychology Today// about 25% of people experience //glossophobia//, or fear of public speaking. I ask that you keep that in mind when interacting with your classmates.
[[Continue]]That's okay! Even if you have negative feelings about speaking in front of others you can succeed in this class. And you should know that if you do have negative feelings about public speaking, you are in good company. According to //Psychology Today// about 25% of people experience //glossophobia//, or fear of public speaking. I promise you're going to get through this. I haven't lost a student yet.
[[Continue]]The first task for the class is going to be to make a brief speech (about 3 minutes) in which you introduce yourself. How do you think you're going to prepare?
** [[I'm going to make a few notes and then just go for it.]]
** [[I'm going to make some notes and practice at least a couple times before presentation day.]]
** [[I'm going to read the assignment instructions and try to listen carefully to the professor, then do all the stuff they say.]]
Image credit: (text-style:"italic")[Speaker's Corner by Colin Smith is licensed CC BY-SA 2.0 and was accessed via Wikimedia Commons]This is not a great idea. You may do fine on this assignment, depending on your base level of comfort with speaking in front of people, but if you keep going on this path you will not get an A in this class.
[[On to the next question!]]This is a good start. You'll probably get through this assignment fine, but you'll need to attend more closely to the assignment guidelines in particular to be successful in this class.
[[On to the next question!]]Good plan! This is the best way to go about tackling any assignment. I put a lot of care into creating my assignment guidelines so I recommend paying special attention to them.
[[On to the next question!]]On the first day of class we went over the syllabus. In general, how much do you use the syllabus for a given course?
** [[I look at it at the beginning of class, but never or rarely after than.]]
** [[I check it when I need to refer to something specific, but other than that I don't look at it.]]
** [[I try to look at it every week or so to keep up with the course schedule.]]
** [[I've never taken a class with a syllabus.]]
Image credit: (text-style:"italic")[The Baruch College logo is in the Public domain and was accessed via Wikimedia Commons]This is not a great plan. Most professors design their syllabi to be used as a companion to the course that should be referenced regularly. The course schedule has all the assignment deadlines you'll need, as well as links to homework readings. The syllabus also contains vital information about course and college policies.
[[Now for another question--]]This will probably work okay for you, but most professors design their syllabi to be used as a companion to the course that should be referenced regularly. The course schedule has all the assignment deadlines you'll need, as well as links to homework readings. The syllabus also contains vital information about course and college policies.
[[Now for another question--]]Yes! This is how most professors design their syllabi to be used. The course schedule has all the assignment deadlines you'll need, as well as links to homework readings. The syllabus also contains vital information about course and college policies.
[[Now for another question--]]No problem! So you know, most professors design their syllabi to be used as a companion to the course that should be referenced regularly. The course schedule has all the assignment deadlines you'll need, as well as links to homework readings. The syllabus also contains vital information about course and college policies.
[[Now for another question--]]COM 1010 is a skills-based course, so it is important that we spend most of our in-class time doing activities that allow you to practice and build those skills. Because of this, you will need to keep up with the homework reading. In general, how well do you do at completing all the homework readings you are assigned? (Don't worry, I won't be able see your answer.)
** [[I read everything.]]
** [[I may miss one or two readings if things get really hectic, but otherwise I read everything.-->I read everything.]]
** [[I've got a lot on my plate, so I do about half the reading and just try to get by without doing the rest.]]
** [[Honestly, I rarely do the reading.-->I've got a lot on my plate, so I do about half the reading and just try to get by without doing the rest.]]
** [[I literally never read anything assigned to me for homework.]]
Image credit: (text-style:"italic")["Woman Reading" by FĂ©lix Vallotton is in the Public domain and was accessed via Wikimedia Commons]Great! The homework readings are essential to this course. I try to avoid lecturing so by keeping up with the readings you are putting yourself in the best position possible to participate in class activities.
[[You're almost done, just a couple more questions...]]Hmmm, this is going to cause some trouble for you. The homework readings are essential to this course. I try to avoid lecturing so by failing to keep up with the readings you are putting yourself at a disadvantage when it comes to participating in class activities.
[[You're almost done, just a couple more questions...]]This is going to cause some real trouble for you. The homework readings are essential to this course. I try to avoid lecturing so by deciding not to keep up with the readings you are putting yourself at a significant disadvantage when it comes to participating in class activities.
[[You're almost done, just a couple more questions...]]One of the goals of the course, as I teach it, is to help you develop some of the skills you need to be successful at Baruch. How would you say you are at following directions?
** [[I'm very good at following directions exactly.]]
** [[Pretty good. I follow directions but sometimes miss the details.]]
** [[Not great, unfortunately. I get distracted sometimes and just kinda end up doing what I *think* I'm supposed to be doing.]]
** [[I like to fly by the seat of my pants.]]
Image credit: (text-style:"italic")["Dodge T-234 Maintenance Manual, section II Driver's Instructions" is in the Public domain and was accessed via Wikimedia Commons]That's nice to hear. Just so you know, I like to provide detailed instructions for assignments. If you follow them carefully you'll do great!
[[On to the last question.]]I get it, details can be tricky. One thing you should know about me is that I try to provide detailed instructions for all assignments, and that means there are a lot of details. If you make a point to read the instructions carefully you'll do fine.
[[On to the last question.]]I definitely understand that this is an issue for some people. The good news is that you are NOT doomed to failure. I provide lots of detailed instructions for assignments, and if you keep in mind that I try to be super clear about what I want to see, and how to complete each task, you'll be able to succeed.
Also, bear in mind that I'm here to help! Feel free to ask me for help if you find yourself struggling.
[[On to the last question.]]This is a very bad idea. You cannot get an "A" in my class if you choose not to follow instructions when they are provided.
[[On to the last question.]]When you hear that "participation" is part of your grade, what do you think that means?
** [[Answer questions and generally stay on-task in class.]]
** [[Show up and stay awake.]]
** [[I have no idea.]]
Image credit: (text-style:"italic")["Shimer College Discussion Class" has been released to the public domain and was accessed via Wikimedia Commons]Yes, it's that simple!
When I ask questions in class I want you to answer. If you find you're not prepared to answer, consider your homework strategies. Are you keeping up with the readings? Do you need to take notes? Are there concepts you need to ask me about after class or by email?
In general, showing up and doing what you are asked to do is going to get you the participation points you need to get the grade you want.
[[Click here.]]Close, but it isn't quite that simple.
When I ask questions in class I want you to answer. If you find you're not prepared to answer, consider your homework strategies. Are you keeping up with the readings? Do you need to take notes? Are there concepts you need to ask me about after class or by email?
In general, showing up and doing what you are asked to do is going to get you the participation points you need to get the grade you want.
[[Click here.]] No problem! Let me tell you:
When I ask questions in class I want you to answer. If you find you're not prepared to answer, consider your homework strategies. Are you keeping up with the readings? Do you need to take notes? Are there concepts you need to ask me about after class or by email?
In general, showing up and doing what you are asked to do is going to get you the participation points you need to get the grade you want.
[[Click here.]] Thank you for playing the COM 1010 game! To verify that you have completed this assignment, please email me a photo, GIF, or meme that expresses how you feel about taking COM 1010 this semester.
Image credit: (text-style:"italic")["Everlasting Fireworks" is licensed under the CC BY 3.0 Unported and was accessed via Wikimedia Commons]
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